«Gold of Kamchatka» is listed among the leading ten gold mining companies of Russia by the production volume. Our primary enterprises are located in the richest gold mining regions of Kamchatka Krai.
The company's deposits are grouped into three hubs.
Northern hub
The core of the Northern hub is Ametistovoye Mining and Processing Plant and the deposit with the same name that is the largest one explored in Kamchatka. The enterprise is located in Penzhinsky district, 1100 km north of Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky.
Kamchatka's largest explored deposit
High Sulfidation type of deposit, new to Kamchatka
Иволга, Ичигинская, Тклаваямская
High Sulfidation type of deposit, new to Kamchatka
Central hub
The core of the Central hub is Aginsky Mining and Processing Plant and the deposit with the same name within its structure. This is the first deposit in Kamchatka where gold ore production began. The enterprise is located 280 km north of Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky.
Kamchatka's first deposit where gold-bearing ore mining began
First deposit in Kamchatka where open-pit mining of gold ore began
Promising deposit of the Central zone, will be the main feedstock for Aginsky MPP